Friday, July 31, 2020

An Update/Follow-on To My Last Post...

What Happened:

Yesterday, was day 24 of the great California re-closing of 2020, a.k.a. the systematic destruction of the California economy by government imposed starvation.  It was also the day Dr Fausti was forced to talk himself into an ever tightening circle while testifying in front of Congress (here).  He was asked, by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), "Do protests increase the spread of the virus?"  Dr Fausti danced around the issue slightly by giving a more general answer of "Crowding together, particularly when you are not wearing a mask, contributes to the spread of the virus." As the congressman continued to prod the Doctor, he steadfastly refused to say the only scientifically honest answer to the original question, "Yes."  The weasel in Dr. Fausti, repeatedly refused to opine on whether the protests, as a specific example of "Crowding together", must have "contribute[d] to the spread of the virus".  This, despite the fact that  anyone with more than a few dozen active brain cells could easily see that there was absolutely no reason to not admit it.

The Conclusion:

When even Dr Fausti, if only inadvertently, admits that the protests must have contributed to the spread, we have clear and unassailable evidence that to intentionally ignore such events when a health officer (or their representative) is doing 'contact tracing' is a 'dereliction of their duty' (as described in my last post).  So, where are the charges of Malfeasance?  Why are they still being allowed to fill those positions?  Why hasn't anyone, other my lone voice, cried out for them to held accountable for their actions?

My Interpretation of Those Crying Out to 'Follow the Science':

We all know the answers to the above questions.  It isn't politically correct to suggest that those on the left are ever wrong.  If you do it will 'trigger' them.  They will 'cancel' you.  The media will descend and tear you apart like the ravening beasts are are.  Consequently, no one dares to challenge anyone in regards to their cloistered, safe-space, participation-trophy, snowflake existence.  This even though that group continuously call for us all to 'follow the science'.  Indeed, our Goober uses that phrase, but, as I have repeatedly demonstrated, has not in any way actually followed it.

Sadly, I have had to conclude that reality has no place in today's media or politics.   And it's not looking so good for tomorrow either.

1 comment:

K T Cat said...

Why can't they answer this simple question?